10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (2025)

Japan is a hugely popular travel destination for tourists from other Asian countries, but you might be surprised where many of those tourists consider a must-visit spot: Japanese drugstore chain Matsumoto Kiyoshi.

Referred to as “the yellow store” by tourists from Thailand, Matsumoto Kiyoshi is a popular place for picking up the latest in Japanese health and beauty products on the cheap. And just which products are going to be the next big thing? We went straight to the source and asked Matsumoto Kiyoshi for their picks.

1. Scalp D Eyelash Essence by ANGFA
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (1)

Price: 6ml for 1,602 yen
Product name in Japanese: スカルプDボーテ ピュアフリーアイラッシュ

From popular brand Scalp D comes an essence for eyelashes. This product has made it into the “hall of fame” on many Japanese beauty product review websites that are frequented by models and actresses. It went on sale in drugstores for the first time this summer, and has been extremely popular among Japanese shoppers.

2. ELIXIR SUPERIEUR Sleeping Gel Pack by Shisedo Japan
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (2)

Price: 105g for 2,800 yen
Product name in Japanese: エリクシールシュペリエル スリーピングジェルパック

Popular skin care series ELIXIR SUPERIEUR has added a new face pack to their product line-up this summer. Intended to be used at the end of your skin care routine, just apply it to your skin before bedtime. Because not everyone has time in their schedules for a multi-step skin care routine, this “apply-and-sleep” product is trending among Japanese shoppers. What’s more, this gel is quickly absorbed by the skin, leaving no sticky feeling behind that might trouble your sleep.

10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (3)

This thick gel has a refreshing scent.

3. Chu Lip by ROHTO Pharmaceutical
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (4)

Price: 7g for 598 yen
Product name in Japanese: チューリップ

Always losing one tube of lip balm after another? Next time, pick up one of these cute Chu Lips. The product’s large surface area lets you coat both your upper and bottom lip at once! New to the Chu Lip series as of 2015 are the tinted lip balms pictured here.

4. DEOBALL by ROHTOPharmaceutical

10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (5)

Price: 15g for 640 yen
Product name in Japanese: デオボール

Since you have to buy deodorant anyway, why not get one that’s in a cute sphere shape? Easy to apply, this deodorant reacts with perspiration to release a sweet fragrance and keep your skin nice and dry all day long.

5. naturie Hato Mugi Skin Conditioner by imju
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (6)

Price: 500ml for 650 yen
Product name in Japanese: ナチュリエ ハトムギ化粧水スキンコンディショナー

Those familiar with Japanese beauty products have long since known about this hato mugi (Job’s tear)-infused keshosui or toner. As this product is formulated to suit virtually any skin type, it’s a good place to start for those who are new to using Japanese beauty products.

6. Japanese Sake Toner and Lotion by Kikumasamune
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (7)

Price: 500ml of toner for 740 yen; 380ml of lotion for 840 yen
Product name in Japanese: 日本酒の化粧水、乳液

A must for fans ofnihonshu(A.K.A. sake), this toner and face lotion are produced by a sake brewery. Nihonshu contains amino acids that are said to be effective at evening skin tone and moisturizing the skin. While this product does use real sake, the scent of alcohol is not strong.

7. Bifesta Carbonic Acid Foaming Face Wash by Mandom Corporation
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (8)

Price: 180g for 600 yen
Product name in Japanese: ビフェスタ 炭酸泡洗顔

The brand Bifesta is already making its way into overseas markets with its cleansing series. New to the brand’s line-up this fall is their carbonic acid foaming face wash. The addition of the carbonic acid makes for a super rich lather with just one pump.

8. FERZEA Repair Veil PRIME by Shiseido Medical
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (9)

Price: 40g for 1,800 yen
Product name in Japanese: フェルゼア リペアヴェールプライム

One application is all you need to keep your hands moisturized the whole day. While this product is a little more expensive than other ones on the market, its high quality formula is gentle enough to use even on baby skin.

9. ARGELAN Skin Care Series (Matsumoto Kiyoshi Store Brand)
10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (10)

Makeup remover, face wash, moisturizing toner, super moisturizing toner, astringent toner, moisturizing beauty oil, lotion, and cream range in price from 950 to 1,800 yen.
Product name in Japanese: アルジェラン スキンケアシリーズ

Matsumoto Kiyoshi just released a skin care series for their Argelan series in September of this year. Their Argelan shampoo was picked up by a Taiwanese beauty blogger, causing a major spike in popularity among Taiwanese shoppers. Given that this skin care series is made from 99% naturally derived ingredients and is gentle yet effective, it’s predicted that this line-up will be just as popular.

10. Spa Treatment Stretch iSheet by Wave Corporation

10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (11)

Price: 60 sheets for 5,500 yen
Product name in Japanese: スパトリートメント ストレッチiシート

Created in Switzerland, these under eye treatment sheets are now being used in spas and salons across Japan.

Tax-Free Shopping at Select Locations

10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (12)

If you do your shopping at Matsumoto Kiyoshi’s Part 2 Ikebukuro location, don’t forget to stop by their tax free counter. Here, staff will walk you through the tax exemption process so you can save even more.


Matsumoto Kiyoshi (Ikebukuro Part 2 Location | マツモトキヨシ (池袋Part2店)
Address: 1-22-8 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Hours: open 24 hours
* Store closes every week on Sunday at 10:00pm and opens Monday at 9:00am
Access: 5 min walk from the East Exit of Ikebukuro Station (JR, subway, and private rail lines)
Website (Japanese only): http://www.matsukiyo.co.jp/

*All prices in this article are before tax.
*This article uses information obtained September 12, 2016.

10 Must-Have Health and Beauty Items from Matsumoto Kiyoshi | DiGJAPAN! (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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